Yet Another Transition? Mountain Areas’ Conflicts and Trajectories Facing Socio-Ecological Changes / Encore une transition ? Conflits et trajectoires des territoires de montagne face aux changements socio-environnementaux

This special issue of the bilingual Journal of Alpine Research|Revue de géographie alpine (112-1 | 2024) brings together articles from different disciplinary horizons in the human and social sciences (geography, sociology and law) whose common point is to propose a critical reflection on the injunctions for socio-environmental changes within mountain territories and on the transition as category of analysis of these changes. Therefore, are these transitions as unprecedented, linear and consensual as announced? What reading keys can the examination of previous transition processes provide for the current invention of territories? How do mountain territorialities stand out and distinguish themselves from other territorialities that are also in transition? By highlighting various transition processes in France and Switzerland, these articles retrace the conflicts and the resulting adaptation trajectories and sometimes the failures, situations that are little discussed and yet rich in lessons.

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Cover image by Maël BALLAND

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