mountain lakeThis year's Mountain Climate Conference theme is 'Anticipating Climate Change Impacts in Mountains: Embracing Variability.' Abstract submission is open until 2 July 2018. 

Taking place in Colorado, USA, 17-21 September, the 2018 Mountain Climate Conference will explore topics at the intersection of climate and other scientific disciplines, including hydrology, ecology, and glaciology. The event will include oral and poster presentations from preeminent keynote speakers, while also highlighting exceptional early-career scientists. It also aims to provide forums for resource managers, and integrate undergraduate and graduate students into the professional community.

In addition to the main theme of climate variability, the conference will also include sessions on the impact of potentially declining snowpack in mountainous social-ecological systems, with the below three focus areas:

  • Trees, Snow, & Water
  • Causes & Consequences of Temperature & Hydroclimate Variability during the Common Era
  • Overview & Follow-up from the Global Climate Action Summit

The Mountain Climate Conference is currently inviting the submission of single-paragraph abstracts for talk or poster presentations. All submissions must include the presentation title, author/affiliation, and which session in the agenda the presentation is aimed at.

The submission deadline is 2 July 2018.  

For more information, please see the Mountain Climate Conference website.


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