clouds 1850045 640 smallThe Journal of Alpine Research has issued a call for papers looking at the responses of social actors to the various challenges faced by mountains today.

Proposed articles should make explicit reference to mountain territories as category or context, and proposals focusing on social innovations meeting needs specific to the inhabitants of mountain territories are of particular interest. Contributions bearing on examples located in mountain territories are also welcome. 

Contributions may cover (but are not limited to) any of the following themes:
  • Theoretical and/or methodological reflections on methods of identifying social innovations, more specifically in mountain territories.
  • Supraterritorial dissemination and effects of social innovations in mountain territories (at various levels: massif, regional, national, international, etc.)
  • Actors (whether within or outside the territory) involved in social innovation processes in mountain territories.
  • Methods by which mountain territories appropriate initiatives with social goals developed in other territories.
  • Past social innovations (historical approach).
  • Failures: 'almost' social innovations (those that remained unachieved), 'false' social innovations (for example, those that have shown themselves to be harmful in the long term), etc.

Article proposals should be around 600 words in length, and sent in either French or English.

Submission deadline is 30 April 2018. 

Full details, including instructions on how to submit your proposal, can be found on the Journal of Alpine Research webpage. 

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