mountain melt EDW July 2018 smallThe Scientific Steering Group meets once a year to discuss, guide, and plan the Climate and Cryosphere project. Nominations close 15 October 2018.

The Climate and Cryosphere (CliC) project is one of the core projects of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), serving as the focal point for climate science related to the cryosphere, its variability and change, and interaction with the broader climate system. CliC is overseen by a Scientific Steering Group (SSG), which is responsible for overall direction and planning - and which is now looking for new members. 

The SSG currently comprises nine researchers from around the world with a wide range of expertise in global cryosphere observation and modelling. The SSG guides CliC’s priorities and activities, working together with the SSG co-chairs and the CliC project office. SSG members should therefore have a good overview of the CliC science plan, relevant regional and international research agendas, and understand how CliCs priorities align with those of the new WCRP strategy.

The deadline for nominations is 15 October 2018, and self-nominations are also welcome. Scientific expertise, career stage, and gender and geographical balance will be taken into account. Initial membership is for three years and, as a rule, two extensions of two years each may be recommended. The SSG typically meets once a year.

You can access the nomination form here.

To find out more about CliC, please visit the project website. 

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