Global News

The International Glaciological Society is currently seeking nominations for its three Honorary Awards: the Seligman Crystal, the Richardson Medal, and the Honorary Membership. The deadline to send in your nomination is Friday 17 July 2020

Despite the fact that the mountainous areas of Switzerland are often considered to be lacking in innovation compared to their city counterparts, in reality innovative ideas abound in these regions, especially for solving specific problems in business and society. These “social innovations” differ from innovations in products or technologies and promise positive effects for regional development.

Snow Today, the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) and the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR)'s new tool for monitoring snow conditions, provides “near-real-time updates of snow conditions across the Northern Hemisphere,” according to their website.

UNESCO has launched a Global Consultation on Open Science with a view to developing a standard-setting instrument in the form of a Recommendation, to be adopted by the UNESCO General Conference in November 2021. The World Data System (WDS) of the International Science Council has been invited to contribute to this process. As a partner of the WDS, MRI is also encouraging its community of mountain experts to contribute to this process.

Welcome to our new monthly round-up of new publications! Here you will find a weekly-updated list of relevant, newly published articles on mountain research that you won't want to miss this month. Do you know of an article that the mountain research community should know about? Send us suggestions to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) announces the date for the external review of the draft scoping reports for the IPBES nexus and transformative change assessments / online meeting.

The Science for the Carpathians (S4C) organization will dedicate a substantial part of their next S4C Newsflash to Carpathian research in times of COVID19 and request input from the Carpathian research community to include in this newsletter.

The open access journal Frontiers features a new compilation of over 10 articles submitted to the Research Topic ‘Connecting Mountain Hydroclimate Through the American Cordilleras,’ co-edited by MRI Science Leadership Council member Bryan Mark, alongside co-editors Alfonso Fernandez (University of Concepción, Chile) and Michel Baraer (École de technologie supérieure, Canada).

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