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Upcoming Events

Td Summer School 2019

01/07/2019 06/07/2019

Summer Schools

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Leu­pha­na Uni­ver­si­ty Lüne­burg is plea­sed to in­vi­te you to the Td Sum­mer School 2019. This year, the Td Sum­mer School will take place in Kaz­be­gi, Geor­gia (Cau­ca­sus) in co­ope­ra­ti­on with Tbi­li­si Sta­te Uni­ver­si­ty, Geor­gia, the Uni­ver­si­ty of Na­tu­ral Re­sour­ces and Life Sci­en­ces, Aus­tria, and the Ar­me­ni­an Sta­te Pe­dago­gi­cal Uni­ver­si­ty, Ar­me­nia. 

The Td Sum­mer School of­fers a five-day in­ten­si­ve Td trai­ning mo­du­le on trans­di­sci­pli­na­ry re­se­arch that will pre­pa­re re­se­ar­chers and prac­ti­tio­ners for trans­for­ma­ti­ve re­se­arch on so­cie­tal chal­len­ges at the sci­ence | so­cie­ty in­ter­face.

Par­ti­ci­pants will gain in­put on theo­re­ti­cal and me­tho­do­lo­gi­cal foun­da­ti­ons as well as ex­pe­ri­ence in de­si­gning and im­ple­men­ting trans­di­sci­pli­na­ry re­se­arch pro­ces­ses. The aim is to broa­den aca­de­mic re­se­ar­chers’ di­sci­pli­na­ry and in­ter­di­sci­pli­na­ry per­spec­tives towards a trans­di­sci­pli­na­ry ap­proach and to enable prac­ti­tio­ners to ela­bo­ra­te their role in trans­di­sci­pli­na­ry re­se­arch pro­ces­ses. This year a par­ti­cu­lar fo­cus is on in­ter­cul­tu­ra­li­ty to fos­ter ex­ch­an­ge bet­ween rese­ar­chers and prac­ti­tio­ners from dif­fe­rent world re­gi­ons, in par­ti­cu­lar the Cau­ca­sus re­gi­on, and to mu­tual­ly learn from dif­fe­rent trans­di­sci­pli­na­ry re­se­arch tra­di­ti­ons. Sub­se­quent­ly, an op­tio­nal weekend pro­gram on Sa­tur­day, 6, July 2019 will be or­ga­ni­zed. 


The or­ga­ni­zers of­fer full scho­lar­ships to selec­ted par­ti­ci­pants from the Cau­ca­sus Coun­tries (Ar­me­nia, Azer­bai­jan, Geor­gia, Iran, Rus­si­an Fe­de­ra­ti­on, Tur­key). Ba­sed on the nee­ds of the selec­ted par­ti­ci­pants, the scho­lar­ships can co­ver the re­gis­tra­ti­on fee or/​and tra­vel, ac­com­mo­da­ti­on in sha­red rooms and me­als. The­se scho­lar­ships are pro­vi­ded by the pro­ject CaucaSusT  – Trans­di­sci­pli­na­ri­ty for Sustainable Tou­rism De­ve­lop­ment in the Cau­ca­sus Re­gi­on, fun­ded by the Austrian Integration Program for Higher Education and Research Development (APPEAR) . Re­se­ar­chers, post-gra­dua­te stu­dents with re­se­arch ex­pe­ri­en­ces and prac­ti­tio­ners (e.g. ci­vil so­cie­ty or­ga­niza­t­i­ons; ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­ve bo­dies; or SMEs) from the Cau­ca­sus coun­tries lis­ted above can ap­p­ly for this scho­lar­ship (from the Rus­si­an Fe­de­ra­ti­on par­ti­ci­pants li­ving or con­duc­ting re­se­arch in the North Cau­ca­sus Fe­deral District will be prio­ri­ti­zed, from Tur­key, par­ti­ci­pants li­ving in or con­duc­ting re­se­arch in its Cau­ca­sus area will be prio­ri­ti­zed).

Registration deadline is 20 April 2019

For more information, please see the event hompage. 


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