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Upcoming Events

3rd TEAMx Workshop 2023

15/06/2023 16/06/2023

Conferences 2023

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The 3rd TEAMx Workshop will take place in Zürich, Switzerland, on 15-16 June 2023. TEAMx is an international research programme that aims at improving our understanding of exchange processes in the atmosphere over mountains and at evaluating how well these are parameterised in numerical weather prediction (NWP) and climate models.

Event Goals:

  • Everyone interested in TEAMx* is up-to-date with the foreseen activities, especially those during the TEAMx Observational Campaign (TOC).
  • Input (feedback) to the first version of the Numerical Modelling Plan (NMP), as well as to the draft of the Implementation Plan (IP) for the TOC from the TEAMx community. The NMP and IP will be shared one week before the Workshop.
  • Progress on ongoing modelling activities and planning of further observational projects.

*also people not actively participating in TEAMx activities are welcome to join the workshop. Talks will be broadcasted online and most discussions will be held in hybrid format.

Cover image by Malcom Lightbody.


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