Avanzamos! Second Phase of Conéctate A+ Begins
MRI News
article written by MRI
26.05.21 | 01:05

Conéctate A+, the Cluster of Cooperation (CLOC) in the Tropical Andes and Central America region (Andes+), is pleased to announce its second phase! 

Since its beginnings in 2019, Conéctate A+ functions as a regional research collaboration hub and ‘network of networks’ in Latin America that focuses on topics of relevance for sustainable development, including climate change, ecosystems, and health. The network is largely drawn from the existing collaborations and networks coordinated and led by the MRI and CONDESAN, as well as combining new partnerships and inviting new members.

As Co-Heads of Conéctate A+ – the MRI, CONDESAN, and the University of Zurich – together with the nine founding partners, collaborated on a strategy document outlining proposed activities for the second phase of this Cluster of Cooperation (CLOC).   Since the swissuniversities Development and Cooperation Network (SUDAC) endorsed the proposal at their recent assembly in early May 2021, we are pleased to confirm that Conéctate A+ will receive resources to continue and expand its activities until 2024. 

In other brief news,  Conéctate A+ will meet with the three research teams selected in 2020 as the founding recipients of synthesis research small grants to learn of their progress, the results of which we look forward to sharing in the second half of 2021. In order to better connect students and researchers in the Andes+ region and Switzerland, Conéctate A+ is also developing a new website and a series of engaging virtual exchanges. The Co-Heads will meet with the Swiss and Latin American Founding Partners in July, after which more information will be available on the MRI and Conéctate A+ websites.

To stay up to date on Conéctate A+ activities, please subscribe to the MRI Global Newsletter using the form at the bottom of this page. Starting in May 2021, the newsletter will feature a dedicated  Conéctate A+ News section every month.


Cover image by sumoro.