New Publication

Co-authored by MRI SLC member Andreas Muhar and with a contribution from MRI Co-PI Rolf Weingartner, this richly illustrated publication presents the result of a major geographic project with contributions by more than 140 experts from six Alpine countries.

The landscapes of the Alps are substantially shaped by their rivers - human use of the Alpine region is closely linked to the challenges of dealing with rivers and streams. This book offers a vivid and comprehensive survey of the manifold ways in which Alpine rivers are important from a range of different perspectives.

This collection of essays highlights how given Alpine territories in Austria, Italy, and Switzerland are currently facing challenges imposed by migration, the barriers and limitations they are encountering, and the extent to which migration triggers policy and territorial innovations that can generate beneficial impacts for both migrants and local inhabitants.

Contributors here include practitioners and social workers who have experimented with innovative reception and integration pathways, as well as researchers with diverse disciplinary backgrounds, including geographers, sociologists, political scientists, social anthropologists, economists, and legal experts. The book draws on empirical and theoretical investigations, research actions implemented within the framework of large EU projects, and exploratory case studies and storylines of welcoming reception initiatives.

Due to climate change, as well as the impact of other anthropogenic factors, mountainous ecosystem services are changing rapidly, with consequences for nature’s contribution to people (NCP). A recently published paper reviews the state of research published on ecosystem services in mountain areas, focusing specifically on NCP.

Nature’s contribution to people’s quality of life is undisputable. Mountains and the resources they provide play an important role for people living in them, as well as for people living downstream. However, climate change and other anthropogenic factors are impacting mountain ecosystem services, with consequences for nature's contribution to people (NCP). A new study published in the journal PLOS ONE uses the conceptual framework of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) and the notion of NCP to determine to what extent previous research on ecosystem services in mountains has explored the different components of the IPBES conceptual framework.

How can rural mountain communities improve their water, energy and food security in contexts of growing resource pressure, competition and uncertainty?

This new Issue Brief from the Center for Development and Environment explores whether a water-energy-food nexus approach offers a way to identify forward-looking options and policies to strengthen the livelihoods and resilience of people living in our changing mountains. 

A new issue of the European Journal of Tourism Research  explores the role of mountains as a tourist destination through a guest editorial on 'Mountain Tourism in Europe'.

The latest issue of the European Journal of Tourism Research, Vol 22, is now available online, and open access. This issue aims to encourage debate among scholars on different European mountain tourism views and perspectives, highlighting three different papers on the topic. 

A new issue of the open access journal Mountain Research and Development presents findings on sustainable food systems in mountain regions. The issue also examines perceptions of national parks in a neoliberal context in Poland and Switzerland, and the postdisturbance recovery of forests and carbon stock in a national park in Slovakia.

The latest issue of Mountain Research and Development (MRD), Vol 39, No 1, is now available online, and open access. In this issue, two papers address food security in mountains: one presents a food systems mapping approach tested in Kenya and Bolivia, and the other assesses food consumption patterns among Mapuche communities in Chile.

The Environmental Research Station Schneefernerhaus (UFS) on Zugspitze, Germany has conducted a new study to determine the atmospheric CO2 measurements at such an altitude over an extended period of time. The site was chosen due to its elevated location, which makes it less influenced by anthropogenic emissions.

The latest issue of eco.mont – Journal of Protected Mountain Areas Research and Management – explores the variety of challenges faced by managers of protected areas, and reflects a diversity of approaches depending on countries and type of protected area.

The July issue of eco.mont explores the challenges associated with managing protected areas (PA) across the globe, kicking off with a paper about red deer management and how national parks and adjacent areas could benefit through joint deer management. As Herbert Wölger, Managing Director of the Gesäuse National Park, writes in his editorial in this issue of eco.mont:  "The borders of strictly protected national parks usually constitute a sharp administrative limit, which is often reflected in equally strictly differentiated attitudes on both sides of the boundaries. Joint management plans are therefore difficult to find in practice, but still represent a goal to aim for."

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