Participate in a survey that is part of an exploratory study on mountain soundscapes. This survey aims to enhance our understanding of how people perceive sounds in mountain environments.

Mountain environments are known for their unique soundscape, characterised by the rustling of leaves, flowing streams, wildlife calls, and the occasional gust of wind. These auditory elements contribute to the overall experience of being in the mountains, but little research has been conducted to understand how people perceive and appreciate the mountain soundscape.

This study has four aims: (i) to understand individuals' awareness of and connection to mountain soundscapes, (ii) to investigate the impact of mountain sounds on visitors' emotional well-being and overall experience, (iii) to identify any specific sounds or auditory elements that individuals find most appealing or distracting in the mountain environment and, (iv) to explore the relationship between an individual's outdoor experience level and their perception of mountain sounds.

This survey is the first step towards a long-term research project on mountain soundscapes. For more information, please contact the project leader, Dr Balandino Di Donato: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Beyond the survey, researchers interested in collaborating on mountain soundscapes or related topics are welcome to connect. Visit the academic pages of Balandino Di Donato and Dr Iain McGregor for more information.

Take the survey

Cover image by Timothy Eberly

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