News brief from the MRI Office - July 2017
Global News
article written by MRI
28.06.17 | 08:06

A recap of news and activities from the MRI office for the month of July, including a visit to ICIMOD in Kathmandu, Nepal, to deliver inaugural lecture on Disater Risk and Water Management at the Himalayan University Consortium Academy 2017; activities related to the sixth assessment report cycle for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC); a call to the MRI community to contribute with views and feedback on newsletters and communications at MRI, and more….

MRI at Himalayan University Consortium (HUC) Academy, Kathmandu, Nepal

MRI Executive Director, Carolina Adler, was invited to give the inaugural lecture at the Himalayan University Consortium (HUC) Academy, held in early July at the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), in Kathmandu, Nepal.  The Himalayan University Consortium (HUC) was founded in 2007 in order to develop a sustainable network of universities in the Hindu-Kush-Himalayan (HKH) region, that fosters collaboration among academics, research and knowledge exchange in the region.

Carolina Adler HUC Inaugural 030717 1 present
HUC Academy 2017 Group Photo 030717a
Carolina Adler HUC Inaugural 030717 5 audience
Photos: courtesy of ICIMOD.

The HUC Academy is an annual intensive programme, in 2017 held at ICIMOD, with the objective of providing opportunities for young researchers to engage in crossdisciplinary scholarship. The theme for this year’s Academy centred on Disaster Risk and Water Management, a topic of great relevance and inportance for this region. The invitation to attend the HUC Academy also presented excellent opportunities for MRI and ICIMOD to discuss ideas for closer collaboration in the future.

MRI active in sixth assessment report cycle for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

Following a nomination endorsed by ProClim and the Swiss Academies of Sciences, MRI’s Executive Director, Carolina Adler, has been selected as one of eleven Lead Authors for Chapter 2 of the Special Report on Oceans and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC), on “High Mountain Areas”. The selection was confirmed by the IPCC’s Working Group II Chairs and Technical Support Unit in mid-July. This selection is further testament of MRI’s active participation in the sixth assessment report cycle for the IPCC, highlighting mountains as a key area of concern with regards to impacts of climatic change. Other activities include the recent call for paper proposals for a special journal issue, convened by MRI, to bring key evidence forward to the SROCC assessment. The first authors meeting for the SROCC will be held in October, in Nadi, Fiji.

MRI communications survey

At MRI, we are currently reviewing our communications strategy to ensure we respond to the information and communications needs that are important for our MRI community of scientists, and stakeholders alike, interested in mountain research. To this end, we would appreciate a moment of your time to answer a few questions, so that we take your views into account. This survey will remain open to receive your responses until 31 August 2017. To go to the survey, please follow this external link.  Thank you for your contribution and collaboration! 

In other exciting MRI Communications news, a new MRI Communications Manager has recently been apointment. An anouncement and introduction to our new MRI Office staff member will be made in October, so stay tuned!


MRI office closed for August 2017

Finaly, just a brief note to let you know that the MRI Office staff will be on leave for the month of August 2017 to recoup energies and consolidate fresh new ideas by enjoying a summer break in the mountains! MRI will resume its work and activities from September 2017. Consequently, our Newsletter and other communications will be scaled back for this month. Thank you for your understanding, we hope you too enjoy an envigorating break!

Ahead on the MRI agenda for mountain-related events in 2017

Presentation and participation at the International Forum on Social SciencesInterdisciplinary dialogues on climate change, disasters and governance”, in Cusco, Peru.

First authors meeting for the IPCC Special Report on Oceans and Cryospehere, Nadi, Fiji.
International Climbing and Mountaineering Federation’s (UIAA) General Assembly, Tehran, Iran.

15th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2017 (SGM 2017), “Moving Boundaries”, in Davos, Switzerland.

Mountain Partnership’s high-level conference on mountains “Mountains under Pressure”, at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Rome, Italy.