
In a new study citing the latest work published by the MRI Elevation Dependent Climate Change Working Group (Pepin et al., 2022), researchers reveal that as the climate warms, the intensification of rainfall extremes in high-elevation regions is amplified by approximately 15% per degree Celsius of warming, twice the previously reported rate, due to increased atmospheric water vapor and a shift towards more rain and less snow.

Volume 20, issue number 6 of the Journal of Mountain Science is now available online.

The Joint Body on Mountain Snow Cover is a collaboration between the International Association of Cryospheric Sciences (IACS), the Mountain Research Initiative, and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW). The Joint Body was launched in 2022 and will run until 2025.

A major new assessment report from eight-nation body, the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), reveals the changes to the glaciers, snow and permafrost of the Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) region driven by global warming are “unprecedented and largely irreversible.”

Research funded by the Conéctate A+ Small Grants Programme in 2022 sees the light of day through the publication of a scientific article entitled "Frontiers of research on páramo water resources: a multidisciplinary assessment".

This MRI-funded synthesis workshop, held in April, shed light on the flowpaths of glacier meltwater, revealing potential impacts on downstream water supplies, a critical knowledge gap on the water science agenda.

On 28 April 2023 the MRI, GEO Mountains, and iLEAPS hosted a workshop that aimed to enhance the disciplinary and geographical representation in the consultation processes seeking to establish a set of EMCVs.

Between the 18-20 April 2023, the Mountain Research Initiative (MRI), GEO Mountains, the University of Reading, the Central-Asian Regional Glaciological Center under the auspices of UNESCO (CARGC), and the Kazakhstan Institute of Geography and Water Security co-convened a workshop in Almaty, Kazakhstan on the topic of “Mountain Observatories”.  

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