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IPA Action Group Workshop 2019

23/09/2019 27/09/2019


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Workshop I of the IPA Action Group Rock glacier inventories and kinematics will mainly be devoted to the definition of standard guidelines for inventorying rock glaciers and intends to be a combination of excursions to various types of rock glaciers and discussion sessions.

The workshop will officially last from Monday 23 September in late afternoon to Friday 27 September in early afternoon. Arrival will be possible already on Saturday 22 September. An 'ice-breaker' excursion (excursion I), for attendees already present, is planned on Monday 23 September. A two-day excursion (excursion II) will take place during the workshop with an overnight stay in an alpine hut. There will be the possibility to stay in Evolène until Saturday morning.

The excursions aim to visit rock glaciers of various types. Both excursions are physically demanding hiking trips and there is no alternative travel system. A hiking guide will accompany the group, though personal responsibility is expected.

Excursion I is a steep ascent of 800 m height difference (about 2.5 hours for the way up) to the front of the very active Tsarmine rock glacier and the coalescent Perroc landslide.

Excursion II will lead participants towards a collection of relict to very active rock glaciers, some of them having been in interaction with local glaciers during the Little Ice Age. In particular, we will visit the Becs-de-BossonTsavolireLona rock glaciers. There will be an overnight stay at the Becs-de-Bosson alpine hut at 2985 m asl. Effective walking time of about 5-6 hours per day is to be expected.

Both excursions are included in the workshop fee. 

Registration is open until 15 August 2019.

Please visit the workshop website for more information. 

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