Contribution to IPCC AR6

Contribution to Sixth Assessment Cycle of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the international body for assessing the science related to climate change. The IPCC was established in 1988 by the World Meteorological Organization and United Nations Environment Programme to provide policymakers with regular assessments on the scientific basis for climate change, its impacts and future risks, and options for adaptation and mitigation. The IPCC has three Working Groups (WG) that undertake these assessments, with experts and scientists devoting their time as lead authors within these processes: WG I on the physical science basis; WG II on impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability; and WG III on mitigation of climate change. The IPCC assessments provide an important input for governments at all levels to develop climate-related policies, and they underlie negotiations at the UN Climate Conference, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Despite the very palpable observed changes in mountains due to climate change, mountain regions have received limited representation in several of the recent IPCC assessment cycles. In the Sixth Assessment Cycle (AR6), however, mountain regions receive substantially more attention, most notably in the ‘High Mountains’ chapter of the IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate and in the ‘Cross-Chapter Paper on Mountains’ in the WGII AR6 contribution. Coordinated and sustained efforts by the mountain research community are necessary to be able to achieve the highest possible quality in these assessments, and strong research capacities are critical for this purpose. Diverse participation from mountain research experts with various disciplinary backgrounds, and from diverse cultural and regional contexts, are important to support the quality of this input, as well as to facilitate dialogue between the scientific community and policymakers to address climate change in mountains.


Project Objectives

Recognizing these needs – and with input and financial support from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) Global Programme Climate Change and Environment – project partners the MRI, University of ZurichHelvetas, and ICIMOD have teamed up to design, implement, and realise the project’s overall objective, which is to strengthen the evidence basis on climate change impacts, adaptation strategies, and climate-resilient development pathways in mountain regions, while supporting regional representation and development focused science-policy dialogues in diverse mountain contexts. Central to this objective is to also benefit from the ongoing AR6 experience as a unique learning opportunity that enhances the capacity-building of experts and early career researchers (ECRs) in developing countries and promotes their future participation in the IPCC process.

To fulfil the overall objective, four key related outcomes (and their associated activities) are envisaged under this project:

Outcome 1 | Strengthen evidence and representation of mountain regions from developing countries in the IPCC AR6 WGII report, with support for current lead authors from the four project partner organisations, as well as the recruitment of ECRs from developing counties as chapter scientists for the ‘Cross-Chapter Paper on Mountains’.

Outcome 2 | Strengthen a science-policy dialogue and exchange in Switzerland relating to mountain regions in the IPCC AR6, with an emphasis on development policy and issues relevant for climate change and sustainable mountain development.

Outcome 3 | Increase the awareness and utilisation of the IPCC process and IPCC AR6 outputs in selected developing countries in order to enhance the application of climate science in shaping climate and sustainable development policies.

Outcome 4 | Enhance capacities and skills in ECRs from developing countries in IPCC processes.

This final outcome is being achieved through a dedicated mentoring and training program, with capacity-building activities and specific roles that provide opportunities to apply and develop skills, experience, and international and professional networks. Through a selection process, six participants have been chosen to take part in a three-year Mentoring and Training Program in IPCC Processes for Early Career Mountain Researchers. 

The six participants selected for this program are:

Estelle Razanatsoa 

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
University of Cape Town,
South Africa. 

Ana Ochoa Sánchez 

PhD Candidate
University of Cuenca,

Anubha Aggarwal

Researcher, Energy & 
Resources Institute,

Zarina Saidaliyeva

Junior Research Scientist,
Kazakhstan Institute of
Geography, Kazakhstan.

Prashant Baral

PhD Candidate,
NIIT University,

Estefania Quenta Herrera

Research Associate, 
Mayor de San Andrés
University, Bolivia.

Project Timeframe

The project is being carried out in parallel to the IPCC AR6 WGII assessment and report preparation and dissemination phases, starting in 2019 and ending in 2022.

The MRI, with the inputs from and collaboration with the project partners, aims to provide regular news and updates on the activities and results associated with the project and its four outcomes. Stay tuned by visiting our websitesubscribing to our Global Newsletter, and following us on Twitter and Facebook.

For more information about the SDC Global Programme Climate Change and Environment, and its work and support for projects in mountain regions, please refer to please refer to the SDC website.

Project Partners

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