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Forest Monitoring Roundtable

02/04/2024 13:15 15:00

Online / Virtual Event

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European forests are crucial as they provide multiple benefits, including carbon sink and storage, biodiversity, wood as sustainable raw material, a place for recreation, clean water, cultural heritage and jobs in rural areas. Yet there’s a lack of comprehensive knowledge around them. Towards this direction, the European Commission proposed a forest monitoring law to develop an EU-wide forest observation framework that provides open access to detailed, accurate, regular and timely information on the condition and management of EU forests, and on the many products and ecosystem services, which forests provide. This information will lead to more data-driven decision-making on forests; moreover it is expected to increase public trust in forest management, reduce illegal logging, incentivize and reward more sustainable forest management practices, and support the adaptation of forests to climate change.

Therefore, aiming at delving deeper into the issue, the European Parliament Intergroup on ‘Climate Change, Biodiversity, and Sustainable Development’ is hosting a roundtable to gather insights from different stakeholders on this crucial legislation.

View the full agenda and register online here.

Cover image by trevor pye

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